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"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength,
not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will."
-Vince Lombardi

September 22, 2009

Introduction about SLD, Integration Builder and SC

Session 2: Intro about SLD, Integration Builder and SC

As we know we will have different type of environments in corporate like development, QA and production. So we will have SAP in bunch of servers for each environment which is known as SLD (system landscape directory). The different client codes in each environment represent sub systems in it. For ex: one Dev system may be there which has 100 client code for UAT, 210 for exec etc., We will have different R/3 servers and XI servers. An R/3 Server will have an ABAP engine with small portion of J2EE engine to communicate with XI servers and vice - versa.

We can use SAPGUI for logging in to any of the systems (R/3 or XI). Each and every thing in SAP will have some unique code which can be used directly for opening it. So for accessing Integration Builder we need to type "sxmb_ifr" code in transaction field.

Integration Builder is of two views. They are Design (Integration Repositary) and Configuration (Integration DIrectory). Integration Builder is developed in Java Web Start and it runs in J2EE engine. For creating any objects we use Design: Integration Builder (IR) and these are some thing like Raw objects but it will be configured and structured in Configuration: Integration Builder (ID).

For Ex:

When a Function imported from R/3 in to XI as a web service it will automatically create JNI, EJB, Servlet and Web service for it. After that it will be in IR. We will configure it in ID as scenarios like VB to SAP etc in structured manner.

Software Component is a logical unit of any release. For example you want to release this place order function as software then just build it and release as a software component which can be distributed across. SAP GUI is a software component.


1. SLD is a System landscape directory where SAP resides

2. Integration Repository is Design: Integration Builder and Integration Directory is Configuration: Integration Builder which is for creating objects and configuring it for usage.

3. Software Component is a logical unit of any release.

September 18, 2009

Easy start steps for developing a Blackberry application.

1. Download the development tool and install it

 You can download the JDE which is provided by RIM to develop Blackberry applications. The other option is the eclipse plug in which can also be used to develop Blackberry applications.

2. Open the JDE and create a new workspace. 

3. Create a new project in this workspace.

4. Now you can add classes to this project and build the application by clicking the Build menu item in the menu bar.

5. Once the project is build the JDE creates some files in the build folder.

6. If the build is successful then you can run the application in the simulator by pressing the F5 key of your keyboard or by clicking the Build All and Run in the Build menu item in the menu bar.

7. By default a simulator is already selected by the JDE and opens the simulator.

8. On the simulator you can find many icons of different applications which are already available.

9. Search for your particular project name (usually a black icon) with the project name you have given will be available.

10. Clicking on this icon will run the application.

Configuring MDS for accessing network through the simulator

In order to access intranet or internet from the simulator of the Blackberry we need to run the Mobile Data Service (MDS). The MDS comes along with the JDE or we can download it separately. If you are inside a intranet then you need to set the proxy correctly in the MDS. To set the proxy settings follow the below steps:

1. Go to MDS folder

2. Next go to Config folder

3. You willfind a file called rimpublic.property

4. In # [HTTP HANDLER] change the proxies enabled to True and change the proxy host and the proxy port.


Blackberry device, Blackberry Enterprise Server and the Network Operation Center of RIM

Blackberry Enterprise Server and the Network Operation Center of RIM

Here I have given little information about the Blackberry device, Blackberry Enterprise server and the Network Operation Center of Research In Motion.

We know that a blackberry device when configured with the intranet network of an organization can receive emails being pushed from the intranet mail server. The push option of the blackberry will notify you whenever a new mail comes in the blackberry or a meeting request comes is one of the important features of this device. The under given paragraph explains how the whole the Blackberry device the Back end Blackberry Enterprise server and the Network Operation Center of RIM works together.

Every enterprise which has a Blackberry infrastructure has a Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES). The BES is a server which can talk to the Micros soft Exchange Server or lotus Domino of the enterprise to retrieve the mails. Once a mail comes in the mail exchange server of a enterprise the mail is retrieved by the BES server and then sent it to the NOC of RIM. The NOC is the data center where all the mails or data transfer between the BES and the Blackberry device passes through. There are two NOC of RIM one is in Canada and the other one in US. From the NOC the emails will be transferred to the appropriate devices. One of the main advantages for using the NOC is the security advantage; all the traffic between the BES is encrypted using triple DES as it travels through the NOC. And because all the traffic goes through the NOC before being routed to the BES, the BES accepts incoming transactions from only one location that is the NOC thus receiving only trusted data. Some other smart phones accept incoming transactions from the internet which makes it exposed to receive untrusted data.

Blackberry and SAP

Research In Motion (RIM) and SAP® are making SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) available virtually anywhere, anytime. 

Read the full information here:



Simple way of connecting a Blackberry application to SAP

Connecting Java Applications for Blackberry to SAP Application

The most common way to connect a Blackberry application  to a SAP application is by using the standard HTTP protocol. As of now there is no API which is included by the RIM which allows the Blackberry application to directly talk to a SAP application. The work around to connect to a SAP application from a Blackberry application is to employ a back-end application which supports HTTP protocol. The flow of connection is as follows: 

          1. The Blackberry application sends data to the back-end application using HTTP POST

          2. It can retrieve data HTTP GET

          3. The Blackberry application can even synchronize data with the back-end application which handles the connection between itself and the SAP application.

The back-end application makes use of JCo to connect itself to the SAP application. Its a very good and a common way to pass all the data exchanged between the Blackberry application and the beck-end application in a form which can be parsed by both the applications. This will enable the back-end application to pass the data to and fro between the Blackberry application and the SAP application after parsing it in a form suitable by the SAP application.


September 17, 2009

Brief introduction on R/3 System and NetWeaver

Session 1: Brief introduction on R/3 System and NetWeaver


SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing) is basically an ERP system. SAP R/3 is three-tier Architecture with Presentation, Business and Data logic.


They are written in ABAP programming language and it uses Open SQL for connecting to data logic. We have some other ERP systems like JDEdwards, Oracle Fusion, Concur etc for this but why we need to use SAP?


Then SAP came with new integrated platform for everything that is SAP NetWeaver which has lot of this such as Portal, Process Integration, Business warehouse, Business intelligence etc which is written in J2EE and it supports all JCA connectors.


Now we use SAP R/3 engine installed in one server which is written in ABAP and we use SAP NetWeaver in another server which is written in J2EE and it is tightly coupled to R/3.


So, simply we can say R/3 is the emperor of SAP which controls others and anything you need it will be available in SAP R/3 which is customised to every business.


eXchange Infrastructure (XI) which is now Process Integration (PI) is developed in J2EE which supports all types of protocols and connectors which imports the functions from R/3 in a simple way for using it. It supports protocols such as SOAP, FTP, SFTP, NNTP etc., now days any third party system should connect to this XI for data which in some way connects to R/3.


SAP NetWeaver architecture contains mainly four blocks. They are People integration, Process Integration, Information Integration and Application Platform.


Learn more about SOAP and JCA for understanding next Session.


September 3, 2009

How to replace selected textarea value using javascript

1. // code for IE
2. var textarea = document.getElementById("textarea");
4. if (document.selection)
5. {
6. textarea.focus();
7. var sel = document.selection.createRange();
8. // alert the selected text in textarea
9. alert(sel.text);
11. // Finally replace the value of the selected text with this new replacement one
12. sel.text = '<b>' + sel.text + '</b>';
13. }
17. // code for Mozilla
19. var textarea = document.getElementById("textarea");
21. var len = textarea.value.length;
22. var start = textarea.selectionStart;
23. var end = textarea.selectionEnd;
24. var sel = textarea.value.substring(start, end);
26. // This is the selected text and alert it
27. alert(sel);
29. var replace = '<b>' + sel + '<b>';
31. // Here we are replacing the selected text with this one
32. textarea.value = textarea.value.substring(0,start) + replace + textarea.value.substring(end,len);